Live Your Dreams! 3 Keys to Manifesting Your Results


Do you have a dream to be someone, do something, or to have or give something, but no matter how fast you spin the hamster wheel you end up, well, like the hamster…in
the same place? Here are the three most powerful steps you can take to manifest your dreams and get off that hamster wheel.

1. Design Your Dream – Are you crystal-clear on what it is you want? Most people have a pretty generalized idea of what it is they want, but very few people have a crystal-clear blueprint of their dream.

Take note: Clarity is Power
Without a clearly defined blueprint you cannot build your dream. Just like you must
have a clear blueprint to build a house, the same is true with your dreams. Be specific with details!

Ask yourself, “What would I love? What does my dream look like, smell like, taste like, feel like and sound like?” Step into as many senses as you possible can and get crystal clear on what your dream truly is.

Here’s what we know about the human mind: When one is crystal-clear on what they want, they wake up to circumstances, opportunities and resources, they would have otherwise missed. (It’s called our reticular activating system.)

2. Decide for Your Dream – Wishy-washy decisions get wishy-washy results. There can be no “sorta, kinda, maybe.” You must make a firm decision for what it is you want before you will bring your dream into reality.

In addition, decisions should be made quickly. Napoleon Hill, author of the book “Think and Grow Rich”, studied 25,000 men and women and concluded that highly successful people formed the habit of making decisions quickly and changing them seldom, if ever, while unsuccessful people made decisions slowly and changed them frequently.

Ask yourself, “Am I willing to do what it takes, for as long as it takes, to make my dream come true?” Many of us give up on our dreams because they’re taking too long or they become too difficult. Your breakthrough may have been just around the corner, but it was never manifested because you gave up. It’s the decisions we are willing to make that shape our lives.

3. Befriend Your Fear – You must do things to reach your dream even when fear arises and tries to stop you. Make FEAR your Friend! When we decide for a dream, there’s a part of us that says, “Yes, I’ve got this!” Then there’s another part of us that rises up and says, “Oh yea, how are you gonna do that? You’ve never done that before. Who do you think you are? You don’t have what it takes!”

What is that voice? That’s the voice of fear. It’s the voice that says:
“Now is not a good time. I’ll wait until later.”
“You don’t have the money for that. That’s irresponsible.”
“You don’t have the credentials, experience or contacts. Who are you to have this dream?”
Then, of course there’s the part of you that asks, “What if I fail?”

Walt Disney was fired from a newspaper for “lacking imagination and having no original ideas.” What if Walt Disney had believed in that failure? What if he bought into the idea that he lacked imagination and had no original ideas?

Fear and failure are prerequisites for achieving great dreams. Think of failure as a
stepping-stone…not this way, but another way. So, how do we give power to the part of us that wants to move forward, when we are hearing the voice that wants us to play small?

One thing I teach, is to connect to your dream, then take an action step. When fear grips you, ask, “What’s one step I can take that will move me in the direction of my dream?” Then take that action, even in the face of fear! The more action steps you take, the less fear will grip you.

In closing, I know you’ve heard this before: Do what you can, from where you are, with what you have. And as my mentor taught me “Dreams without action is merely entertainment.” I hope these tools put you on the path to manifesting your dreams!

About the Author

Lori Carbonneau has been a Realtor® for over 22 years. In 2006, in a severely declining market, she opened her own real estate comp  any and in 2011, the Women’s Council of Realtors named her Entrepreneur of the Year. After the devastating housing crisis ended, Lori felt a longing to help those whose dreams had crashed as well. She expanded her business and became a certified life coach. She now helps individuals connect with their dreams and live a life they love living. Whether one is striving for professional advancement, career transitions, or personal or financial fulfillment, Lori helps them unlock their true potential and achieve outrageous success. Fulfilling some of her own dreams, she has become an accomplished children’s book author and a motivational speaker.

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