
Does your job work for you or do you work for your job?

This may sound like a silly, head-scratcher question, but it’s one that I had to sit down and ask myself one day. Before I decided to chase my entrepreneurial dreams and start my own business, I was working a 9-5 ...
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Best Practices

Ready to start your freelance business? Here are five things I wish I’d known.

If you’re ready to work for yourself, whether as a freelancer, contractor or small business owner, you have likely learned about branding and marketing, building a customer “funnel,” and considered how you will do your bookkeeping. But here some things ...
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Best Practices

5 Strategies for Successful Freelancing

If a communicator decides to go freelance, which career path is more likely— having more freedom but less financial stability as she lives paycheck to unpredictable paycheck, or creating more security and more income than she would in a 9-to-5 job? ...
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