Ignoring the Background Noise


Nowadays, we are seeing more women rise to powerful positions and begin to take charge in what were traditionally labelled as “male dominated fields.” In 2021 with the first female Vice president of the United States, Kamala Harris, women are beginning to see representation where there once was none. These successful women have forged the path that has inspired many other women to look past old stigmas and stereotypes of the female role and surpass the expectations that had once marked past generations.

What woman has not stepped into a room and been prejudged by antiquated assumptions or been looked down upon simply because they are a female? If these empowered women would have listened to those undermining voices and had given up when stumbling over every rock that was thrown their way, we would have never had the prevailing successful female representation we have today.

It may be hard at times to tune out the negative background noise and remain focused on the goals you are trying to achieve, yet it is not impossible. Here are a few tips that have been given to me by successful and accomplished women in my life.

Believe in Your Potential

The first step to success is believing in yourself. Acknowledging the great things you have accomplished and know you have the potential of doing. If you do not believe in yourself, how do you expect others to do so? Affirm to yourself that you do have the knowledge, training, or whatever it takes to achieve the position or goal you so desire.

Set Goals

Success is not born out of nothing; you must take certain steps before getting to the top. Begin setting attainable goals for yourself that will lead you to the ultimate goal you want to achieve. Do not be afraid to test your limits and get out of your comfort zone. Being stagnant gets you nowhere, you must keep a constant rhythm to stay on track. Maybe it just takes that one little thing for you to get to where you want to be.

Surround Yourself with Positive Energy

You need to surround yourself with positive energy to radiate the energy you want to receive. If we are constantly surrounding ourselves with negative people who ruin our mood, make us feel less-than, or get us off-tack and do not keep us accountable, then that relationship is not worth your time. Being surrounded by people who influence you to be better, do better, and keep you accountable will help you excel and provide you with a positive outlook on life.

Accept Constructive Criticism

No one is perfect and there is always room for improvement, you must be capable of taking constructive criticism and apply it. If we fail to realize what we are doing wrong and do not fix it, then there is no way to improve. Now, do not pressure yourself to try to be perfect, but aim for each day being better than you were before.

Celebrate Yourself

Every achievement is valid, enjoy the little victories and give yourself credit. Allowing yourself time to process the things you are doing right will keep you motivated and hopeful. It is OK to be proud of your hard work and enjoying the moment.

Final Thoughts

Manifesting the life you know you deserve and trusting that you can achieve the goals you set your mind to are important factors in drowning out the negative background noise that might try to disorient you in your path to success. Always remember that your hard work is deserving, and you are enough. There is nothing like empowered women empowering women.

About the Author

Hi! My name is Fernanda Tronco. I am senior journalism major at Texas Tech University’s College of Media and Communication and the Vice President of Texas Tech’s AWC student chapter. I enjoy traveling and have lived in three different countries throughout my life. I am also a fitness and wellness junky and am on my way to becoming a certified group fitness instructor. I hope to one day be a journalistic correspondent and travel all over the world to open people’s eyes to reality and inform them about what is going on in the world around them.

Connect with Fernanda:   InstagramIcon

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