Congrats! You graduated, what’s next?

You earned your degree and now you are ready to start your dream job, making the salary you want immediately.

For the majority of us, it doesn’t quite happen like that. Fast forward a few years later from graduating, I can finally say that I have the job I dreamed of having the minute after graduating. Now don’t let me scare you, this doesn’t mean I have been a broke unemployed graduate since graduating. However, throughout those years, it did require putting in the time working those jobs that were somewhat what I went to school for and somewhat not. And a lot of nights wondering what was next or if my dream job would ever come.

It’s the ugly truth they don’t tell you when they hand you your diploma as you walk across that stage. I would be lying if I told you that the in-between time wasn’t a little terrifying. But I promise you, it’s not as ugly as it seems. Here’s the advice I wish I was told as a graduate.

Take Criticism Constructively

Not sure you have a good draft going? Send it anyways. Receiving feedback on your pieces doesn’t always have to be bad. Being in the communications field, your job is always going to require some sort of creativity in writing or design — but you’re not always going to have the best idea right from the beginning. A majority of us out there do not produce the final piece on the first try. I applaud those who do. Turning in a draft that gets sent back to you with a ton of comments doesn’t mean it wasn’t a job done right. Take the good with the bad and use it as an opportunity to improve in your skills.

Get Involved

This is the investment in yourself worth making. I live in the small town of Springfield, Illinois, speaking comparatively to our northern neighbor Chicago and our southern neighbor St. Louis, making it fairly competitive for a communications or marketing position. Upon graduating, one of the best things I did was join AWC. I started to attend events and meet professionals in my community. I now have connections that I can go to for advice or to bounce ideas off of. Not to mention, I found my current job through our local AWC Jobs Board and had a personal AWC connection at the business.

Don’t Be Afraid to Go After the Job

Getting the job isn’t as simple as filling out a job application, interviewing and receiving an offer. I wish it was that easy. This is an area you can’t take your sweet little time on. Stay on top of job postings because you don’t want to be late to the game.

One the most helpful things for me was spending a decent time creating a resume and cover letter template. But, it’s still not that easy. Make sure to tailor and personalize every resume and cover letter to the company and responsibilities of the job you are applying for. Then don’t be hesitant about reaching out. Send that follow-up, reach out to any connections you have, and market yourself, because you know what if you don’t? The next applicant is.

Always Remember You have a Reason to be at the Table

I can’t take credit for this one. Last fall I attended my first AWC National Conference and a speaker shared this piece of advice from her success. Always remember you have a reason to be at the table. There’s a reason you got invited to the meeting, project, or job — so don’t be scared to speak up. They value you and your skills enough for you to be sitting at the table or to employ you, so don’t be afraid to weigh in or propose an idea. Remembering this as you enter the workplace is key.

Lastly, Patience is Everything

Working at a job after graduating for six months that had nothing to do with communications, felt like forever. Then working a job for three and a half years that half had to do with communications and half not, felt like even longer. That in-between did get a little scary but everything led me to now, working my dream job that I love.

Always remember during all your times wondering what’s next, to take a moment and be perfectly proud of where you are at now. And to never lose sight of your goals, things will happen when they happen.

About the Author

Kelli Jessup
Kelli Jessup

Kelli Jessup is a Digital and Content Marketing Specialist at Illinois REALTORS®, one of the largest trade associations in Illinois. Kelli has over 5 years of experience in writing, social media, event planning and marketing. She currently serves on the board for AWC Springfield Illinois.

Prior to joining Illinois REALTORS®, Kelli worked for the Illinois Chamber of Commerce, where her focus was on marketing continuing education courses on employment law. Her experience also includes marketing internships for a nation-wide engineering firm and university housing. Kelli graduated in 2013 from the University of Illinois at Springfield with a bachelors degree in communications.


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